Safe drinking water solutions are being developed in local communities.

Many communities in the Central Valley rely on groundwater as their primary source of drinking water. Some communities cannot safely use groundwater for drinking water due to nitrate levels that may cause human health impacts.

Local industry and community representatives have joined to form an entirely new organization, the Kings Water Alliance, with a goal to develop a plan identifying short-term safe drinking water solutions.

Drinking water solutions should be flexible and locally driven. Join us at an upcoming event to learn more about the program, proposed solutions, and to provide input on the best solution for rural residents and communities in the Kings and Tulare Lake subbasins. 

Nitrate Control Program

Nitrate Problem

Nitrates seep slowly into the groundwater from fertilizers, or after being discharged as wastewater from animal feedlots, industrial facilities, municipal wastewater plans or leaky septic systems. In these localizes areas, nitrates are a major cause of unsafe drinking water. 

Drinking water with high levels of nitrate can create a health risk, especially to infants and pregnant women. Because nitrate levels have been increasing in groundwater over the last few decades, some drinking water supplies are unhealthy and do not meet government drinking water standards.

Coming Together to Solve the Safe Drinking Water Challenge

A group representing growers, dairies, industries, local communities, environmental organizations, and the State formed the Central Valley Salinity for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS) in 2006 to work on this water quality issue.

One of the outcomes of this effort is a new Nitrate Control Program with three goals:

One of the best ways to accomplish these objectives is the formation of local Management Zones. The Kings Water Alliance is the governing entity for the Kings Management Zone, encompassing the Kings and Tulare Lake groundwater subbasins.


Nitrate & Safe Drinking Water

Groundwater Information Sheet: Nitrate (State Water Resources Control Board)

Nitrates and Nitrites in Drinking Water Webpage (California Water Boards)

Nitrate Fact Sheet (CA Department of Public Health)

Nitrate Fact Sheet- Short (Central Valley Water Board)

Safe Drinking Water Webpage (CV Salts)


For Domestic Well Owners

A Guide for Private Domestic Well Owners (State Water Resources Control Board)

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